Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fox Economists Predict Hip-hop Demons from Sewers

Due to the Obama administration's “horrific policies”, Foxnews economists confidently predicted hip-hop demons from the sewer systems of Americas cities within 6 to 18 months. “His socialistic policies are clearly creating a zombie class”, stated economist Mark Marksman. “He won't deregulate enough to allow free enterprise to create methods to stop this festering demon formation.”

A spokesperson for the Obama administration wouldn't comment on such demons, but did bite my ear off after growling. Another spokesperson dismissed it as “low blood sugar”.

Republicans to Ban Sun

Due to the failout of the Solyndra controversy, House and Senate Republicans pushed to ban the sun. “If we ban the sun, then Democrats won't be tempted to cook up these crazy solar energy schemes”, said one Senator who wished to remain anonymous. “A couple of nukes outta take it out,” he confidently claimed.

However, past attempts to ban the moon proved futile, and many analysts expect similar problems with the sun. “These are heavy objects that tend not to cooperate with Earthly politics,” stated Dr. Bremstein of the KRS Institute of Targeted Bodies.